Tuesday, 26 January 2010

June 1917: Diary of George Edmund Thorpe

June 4: Enemy plane flew over our lines dropping bombs, one of which landed 50 yards from my dugout.
June 8: Big raid by 3rd and 4th Canadian Division on enemy trenches which was very successful our objectives reached on time.
June 12: Major General Sir A.W. Currie KCMG, CB, takes over command of Canadian Corps.
June 14: I visited the town of Arras today. Everything has been smashed by the bombardment. The beautiful Cathedral and all the important buildings are a mass of ruins. On my way back to our billets I lost my way and landed in Petite Vimy.
June 17: Got letters from Home today. I learned foe first time that Jack Huron had died of wounds, May 9th.
June 26: 3rd and 4th Canadian Divisions gained all their objectives in a raid on the enemy trenches. Our battalion working in conjunction had a man killed.

George Edmund Thorpe fond, 1915-1919, 1993. "Diary of Military Service" George Edmund Thorpe, Orderly Room Sergeant with the 123rd Pioneer Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, and subsequently Lieutenant, Canadian Engineers. 

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